Bellis monstrosa Seeds English Daisies have long been popular for spring bedding, particularly in mild winter regions. Plants are biennial, usually lasting through one season, but self-seeding to provide future generations. This strain features especially large blooms, the petals curled or “quilled”, giving a fluffy pompon appearance, in shades of red, pink or white. Removing faded flowers regularly will keep plants blooming well into the summer. Often used to underplant tulips in large public landscapes, these are excellent anywhere in the garden, as well as in containers or tubs.
Bellis Double Rose
Sow when the night temp is 20-25°C
Plant Height: 20 cm
Flower Size: 4-5 cm across
Sowing distance: 15 cm Plant to Plant
Best for: Bed sowing/Pots
Sowing method:Seedling200 Seeds